Year 3
Year 3 is an amazing year for your children; it is full of brand new challenges and experiences. Your children is now a member of Emerson valley School where we strive to make your children independent, confident and responsible learners. We expect children in Year 3 to be actively engaged in their own learning, we expect them to follow our behaviour policy and we expect them try their best. We are looking forward to the year ahead!
Our Staff
In our year group we have:
Miss J Thompson 3JT Teacher Year group leader
Miss J Payne 3JP Teacher
Miss Murphy 3EM Teacher
Miss J Roylance 3JR teacher
Mrs Redding HLTA
Mrs Goodyear TA/ASC Manager
Mrs Moon TA
M Lumsdon TA
Mrs J Brookes TA
Homework will be set on every half term. There will be 6 pieces set on Mirodo alongside 3 other challenges linked to the topics the children are learning at the time. Children should select one task each week from the homework options.
Reading records
Children are expected to heard read at least 4 times a week at home and this should be recorded it in their reading records. Once a week their reading records will be checked by their class teacher. Taking the time to read with your children on a regular basis sends an important message: Reading is worthwhile and fun.
In year 3, the reading focus changes slightly. Although we spend time teaching the fluency of reading (the actual decoding and recognising what the words are and how to say them) we have a large focus on comprehension and understanding of what is happening in the book. An example of this could be: ‘What do the actions of the characters tell you about how they are feeling?’
TT Rockstars/Hit the Button
TTRockstars is available for Year 3 to practice the time tables. Hit the button is a free online game which also supports children in learning specific tables. By the time children reach Year 3, they should know the 2s, 5s and 10s. By the end of the year they should also know the 3s, 4s and 8s. It is vital that they learn these times tables and are confident with them in order to succeed and progress well in maths lessons.
P.E. days
Year 3 have PE every Tuesday and Friday. The children must come to school on those days wearing their PE kit. They will keep their PE on for the day. Please send a spare pair of shoes to school with your child, in case the pair they are wearing get muddy. Children who do not wear their PE kits to school on the designated days may lose some of their social time.
A few reminders
Please ensure:
- all clothes are clearly named. Unfortunately, due to the current situation we can only hold on to lost property for a limited amount of time before it is recycled.
- all long hair is tied up coming to school
- your child brings a named water bottle to school every day
- your child brings a healthy snack to have at break time (e.g. a piece of fruit). Please note that there is no Tuck shop.
- your child may bring pencil colours, a pencil, sharpener and eraser to school daily
- your child knows how they are getting home at the end of the school day
- your child brings a coat to school on cold/wet days
A final note
We will have contact with you throughout the year. If you have any questions or concerns and wish to speak to us, please feel free to contact the school office who will direct your communication to us. We want the very best for your children and would love to work with you to ensure your children reach their full potential in year 3.